It was the middle of winter. It was cold but not one of the coldest days, thankfully. Alyssa and Greg were standing in a sea of snow under a tall group of trees with subtle orange leaves. It was a scene right out of a movie that absolutely took my breath away. As the snow muffled all the sounds around us, we were engulfed in a serene atmosphere. They were giggling endlessly, stealing smooches, making funny faces at each other, and just having a wonderful time. It was just them in a winter wonderland. And I couldn't help but feel awestruck by the beauty of the moment. The way the snow crunched under our feet and the way they looked at each other with such pure joy and love was nothing short of enchanting. I stopped for a moment and told them how thankful I was to be working with them and their radiant joy and contagious smiles. And that's when Alyssa surprised me. She gave me such a genuine smile. And said something along the lines of me being a part of the family and that she hoped I would have the opportunity to photograph all the cousins in her family (back story: I photographed her cousin Megan's wedding last year, where fun fact, Alyssa caught the bouquet during the bouquet toss!). I am pretty sure all the cold left my body in that moment as my heart was ready to burst out of my chest. That is one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me, and I just couldn't handle it.

I adore this moment because it was such a simple but sweet gesture from Alyssa. To know that she appreciates my work as much as she does and she views me as part of her family is beyond touching. And honestly, to know Alyssa and Greg is to know that you will feel so loved. Always. They have hearts of gold and they care so deeply for each other and everyone around them (including their goodest boys!). Compassionate is a very fitting word to describe these two. They have a playful relationship and truly bring out the best in each other. Alyssa and Greg also balance each other out very well. Alyssa has an outgoing, bubbly personality while Greg is very laidback and reserved or in Alyssa's words "pretty much the most chill person ever." It's adorable watching them interact and anticipate what the other person needs in a situation. I can without a doubt say that these two were made for each other. I also loved this moment from their session because I was reminded of the importance of creating these strong friendships with my clients. It's not just about capturing beautiful photos; it's about building relationships and being a part of their journey. Alyssa and Greg's session was a perfect example of this. They were so at ease with each other, and their love and happiness was the warmth we needed on this cold day. Every time Alyssa and Greg laughed together or shared a sweet embrace, I felt a sense of joy and fulfillment. It's moments like these that make my job so incredibly rewarding. Knowing that I can capture the love and happiness of such wonderful people is truly a blessing. And even now, many months after their session (better late than never right? haha) I feel a deep sense of gratitude. Grateful for the opportunity to work with such amazing clients like Alyssa and Greg, grateful for the beautiful winter wonderland that Mother Nature had provided that day (because let me tell you these two were dreaming of a snowy session), and grateful for the heartfelt connections that make this job so special.

Alyssa and Greg, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your story. Your love and joy are truly infectious, and I am honored to have captured these magical moments for you. Thank you simply being you and blessing me with your generous hearts and friendship. I cannot wait to celebrate your winter wedding very very soon. Here's to love, laughter, and the beautiful memories we create together!